
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package verifx

    Welcome to VeriFx's documentation.

    VeriFx: An Automated Verification Language

    Welcome to VeriFx's documentation. VeriFx is a functional OOP language, inspired by Scala, that supports fully automated verification of high-level correctness properties expressed in VeriFx itself. This document describes the API of VeriFx's functional collections and includes a brief tutorial.

    Object-Oriented Programming in VeriFx

    VeriFx supports classes, traits, and enumerations. The syntax for class definitions is equivalent to Scala:

    class MyClass[A](field1: Type1, field2: Type2) {
      def someMethod(): ReturnType = {
        val someNumber: Int = 5

    This defines a class with one type parameter A, two fields, and one method. Note that the fields are immutable. If some method needs to "change" one of the fields, you need to return a modified copy of the class.

    VeriFx has a type inferencer so you don't need to explicitly define the return type of methods. Within a class, this refers to the object itself. Hence, inside the body of the method you can access the fields as follows this.field1. In contrast to Scala, the use of this is obligatory (as in Java), i.e. if you refer to field1 directly the compiler will complain.

    Sometimes, you may want to write recursive methods. These need to be annotated with the @recursive annotation and always require a return type, e.g.:

    def fib(n: Int): Int = {
      if (n == 0 || n == 1)
        this.fib(n-1) + this.fib(n-2)

    Classes are instantiated using the new keyword, e.g. new Foo(1, 2).

    Sometimes you want to share some code across several classes to avoid code duplication. To this end, VeriFx supports traits. Classes and traits can extend from traits (single-inheritance only!).

    trait Adder {
      def plus(x: Int, y: Int) = x+y
    class Arithmetic extends Adder {
      def plusOne(x: Int) =, 1)

    Traits can be polymorphic and a trait's type parameters can have upper type bounds:

    trait CRDTProof[T <: CRDT[T]] {

    Finally, VeriFx also supports enumerations (aka algebraic data types):

    object Cmd {
      enum Cmd {
        Inc(x: Int) | Dec(x: Int) | Nop()

    Enumerations are defined using the enum keyword and should always be nested within an object. The Cmd enumeration defines 3 constructors Inc, Dec, and Nop. These constructors can define fields.

    Enumerations can be instantiated through one of their constructors. The resulting object is of type Cmd and can be deconstructed by pattern matching on it. For example:

    def apply(number: Int, cmd: Cmd) = cmd match {
      case Inc(a) => number + a
      case Dec(a) => number - a
      case Nop() => number
    Built-in Collections

    VeriFx features a number of built-in functional collections: LList, Map, Set, Tuple, Vector. The complete API of these collections can be found in this documentation. Use the search bar to look up a data type or method.

    Verifying Correctness Properties

    VeriFx programs provide a special proof construct. A proof describes a correctness property about some VeriFx program and will be verified automatically. Proofs are defined using the proof keyword and expect a name and a body. The body must be a boolean expression such that its satisfiability can be checked. Proofs cannot be top-level and should always be defined inside an object.

    object MyProof {
      proof plusCommutes {
        forall (x: Int, y: Int) {
          x+y == y+x

    Proofs can also be polymorphic:

    proof setConverges[T] {
      forall (x: GSet[T], y: GSet[T]) {
        x.merge(y) == y.merge(x)

    Besides the regular programming constructs, proofs can also contain logical constructs such as quantified formulas and logical implication:

    • forall (var1: Type1, ..., varN: TypeN) { booleanExp }
    • exists (var1: Type1, ..., varN: TypeN) { booleanExp }
    • booleanExp =>: booleanExp
    Organizing Code in Several Files

    In order to keep your project comprehensible, source code can be spread over several files. Files can import other files using the import keyword but this should always occur at the top of the file before anything else:

    import org.verifx.crdtproofs.GCounter

    Note that imports are different than in Scala. The above import statement will import everything from the GCounter file that should be located at src/org/verifx/crdtproofs/GCounter.vfx. Thus, the import statement merely encodes the path to the file, starting from the src folder.

    Definition Classes
  • LList
  • Map
  • Set
  • Tuple
  • Vector


package verifx

VeriFx: An Automated Verification Language

Welcome to VeriFx's documentation. VeriFx is a functional OOP language, inspired by Scala, that supports fully automated verification of high-level correctness properties expressed in VeriFx itself. This document describes the API of VeriFx's functional collections and includes a brief tutorial.

Object-Oriented Programming in VeriFx

VeriFx supports classes, traits, and enumerations. The syntax for class definitions is equivalent to Scala:

class MyClass[A](field1: Type1, field2: Type2) {
  def someMethod(): ReturnType = {
    val someNumber: Int = 5

This defines a class with one type parameter A, two fields, and one method. Note that the fields are immutable. If some method needs to "change" one of the fields, you need to return a modified copy of the class.

VeriFx has a type inferencer so you don't need to explicitly define the return type of methods. Within a class, this refers to the object itself. Hence, inside the body of the method you can access the fields as follows this.field1. In contrast to Scala, the use of this is obligatory (as in Java), i.e. if you refer to field1 directly the compiler will complain.

Sometimes, you may want to write recursive methods. These need to be annotated with the @recursive annotation and always require a return type, e.g.:

def fib(n: Int): Int = {
  if (n == 0 || n == 1)
    this.fib(n-1) + this.fib(n-2)

Classes are instantiated using the new keyword, e.g. new Foo(1, 2).

Sometimes you want to share some code across several classes to avoid code duplication. To this end, VeriFx supports traits. Classes and traits can extend from traits (single-inheritance only!).

trait Adder {
  def plus(x: Int, y: Int) = x+y

class Arithmetic extends Adder {
  def plusOne(x: Int) =, 1)

Traits can be polymorphic and a trait's type parameters can have upper type bounds:

trait CRDTProof[T <: CRDT[T]] {

Finally, VeriFx also supports enumerations (aka algebraic data types):

object Cmd {
  enum Cmd {
    Inc(x: Int) | Dec(x: Int) | Nop()

Enumerations are defined using the enum keyword and should always be nested within an object. The Cmd enumeration defines 3 constructors Inc, Dec, and Nop. These constructors can define fields.

Enumerations can be instantiated through one of their constructors. The resulting object is of type Cmd and can be deconstructed by pattern matching on it. For example:

def apply(number: Int, cmd: Cmd) = cmd match {
  case Inc(a) => number + a
  case Dec(a) => number - a
  case Nop() => number
Built-in Collections

VeriFx features a number of built-in functional collections: LList, Map, Set, Tuple, Vector. The complete API of these collections can be found in this documentation. Use the search bar to look up a data type or method.

Verifying Correctness Properties

VeriFx programs provide a special proof construct. A proof describes a correctness property about some VeriFx program and will be verified automatically. Proofs are defined using the proof keyword and expect a name and a body. The body must be a boolean expression such that its satisfiability can be checked. Proofs cannot be top-level and should always be defined inside an object.

object MyProof {
  proof plusCommutes {
    forall (x: Int, y: Int) {
      x+y == y+x

Proofs can also be polymorphic:

proof setConverges[T] {
  forall (x: GSet[T], y: GSet[T]) {
    x.merge(y) == y.merge(x)

Besides the regular programming constructs, proofs can also contain logical constructs such as quantified formulas and logical implication:

  • forall (var1: Type1, ..., varN: TypeN) { booleanExp }
  • exists (var1: Type1, ..., varN: TypeN) { booleanExp }
  • booleanExp =>: booleanExp
Organizing Code in Several Files

In order to keep your project comprehensible, source code can be spread over several files. Files can import other files using the import keyword but this should always occur at the top of the file before anything else:

import org.verifx.crdtproofs.GCounter

Note that imports are different than in Scala. The above import statement will import everything from the GCounter file that should be located at src/org/verifx/crdtproofs/GCounter.vfx. Thus, the import statement merely encodes the path to the file, starting from the src folder.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any

Type Members

  1. class LList[V] extends AnyRef
  2. class Map[K, V] extends AnyRef
  3. class Set[V] extends AnyRef
  4. class Tuple[A, B] extends AnyRef

    A tuple containing two values.

    A tuple containing two values.


    Type of the first value.


    Type of the second value.

  5. class Vector[V] extends AnyRef

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
